
2017-04-13T15:33:14+00:00October 8th, 2016|Festivals|

Look how happy we are discussing unhappy families for Litquake at San Francisco's historic Mechanics'-Mercantile Library. Big thanks to co-panelist Elizabeth Percer and moderator Anne Germanacos and Elise Proulx (not pictured) who put us together.

going back to Decatur

2017-04-13T15:33:14+00:00September 2nd, 2016|Festivals|

My family used to drive every year from Philadelphia to Decatur, Georgia to visit my dad's parents.  I'll never forget those 14 hour car trips, jockeying for seat-space in our un-air-conditioned station wagon. (No seat

Woodstock Writers Recap

2017-04-13T15:33:15+00:00April 11th, 2016|Festivals|

What a mind-blowing event. The Woodstock BookFest (formerly Woodstock Writers Festival) was held in Woodstock, unlike that long ago festival which should have been named Bethel instead. My favorite part, of course, was being on

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